
So fresh and so clean.

I redesigned the blog and I love it. New font, new header, new margins, new background, new picture format. Thank you to everyone who helped me figure it out! I am still working on spacing and things like that but I am happy with it for now. The screen capture is so I can remember what it looked like when I look back at this post in five months, years, decades...


Do we get points for trying?

Cornell's baseball team was pretty bad but we had fun anyway. The field was awesome (all turf except for the pitcher's mound and around home plate). The fences are very low and there is a parking lot right next to the field. Surprisingly only one car was hit. The weather was perfect and hopefully we will be able to make it to another game this season.

Alex almost stabbed out his eye with a chopstick.

Alex still doesn't like the grass too much.


Alex is going to be a stud!

Columbus has the most amazing baby/kid thrift store. Everything there is in very good condition and I was able to get four books for 80 cents/each! I also found tons of toys similar to the ones I had as a child. My favorite purchases from the most recent trip were two Sunday outfits for Alex. They are still too big but I am excited for when he finally fits them! See more Saturday Steals here.


The "no reason" vacation.

We hadn't been to Columbus since Christmas so we decided to take a weekend trip to see Sam's sisters and their families. We left Thursday (4/15) after Sam's class and drove back to Ithaca after church on Sunday (4/18). It is so fun having family on this side of the United States!

The Columbus Temple. We went to church in the building next door!



That's right, our baby's all grown up and sprouting a tooth! We could see it for a few days but it cut through on 10 April 2010. That tooth is very camera shy though. We will work on getting better pictures of the little guy and any friends that may come to the party soon.

Despite how it looks, Alex has been surprisingly happy. One day, he was drinking out of a glass and we could hear the tooth clinking on the glass as he chewed on it. It was very cute. He had one sad day four days after he cut the tooth but now he is back to his old self.


Looking back...

As I hear and read about all of my college friends graduating, I can't help but think of my graduation last April and everything we have experienced since. We have been so blessed and I cannot count the number of amazing things that have happened. Of course, as a part of life, we have also had a few trials, but overall the last year has been incredible. I would not trade it for anything.

Since my graduation, we have lived in two states and visited fourteen others. We had a baby. We are nearing the end of the second semester of graduate school. I think we did a couple of things in between as well. :)

25 weeks pregnant. The gown doesn't help my cause.

I wish the best to my family members and close friends who are graduating this year...

My sister-in-law, Laura. So sweet and although our personalities are completely different, she somehow fits perfectly into our family like she was made to be a member.
Oh, Laura. Now you are wearing that awesome hat!

My cousin, Kayla. General Mills is not going to know what hit them. This business-degree-toting girl is one of a kind and is such a smarty pants.
I miss our weekly swims. I'll come visit you in Arizona.

My best friend, Whitni. We both have very strong personalities and I cannot believe we have been able to get along for so many (15?) years. She could kick your butt in multiple sports, make you laugh, and prepare dinner all at the same time. Too many talents. One day, she is going to be a great mom.
After we jumped out of a plane.

I am sure these girls have a year full of adventures ahead of them as well. Isn't it fun to realize how many things can change in life in one short year? I wonder what will happen in the next year.


Baseball Hall of Fame

We are making the rounds of Professional Sport Halls of Fame/Hall of Fames (interesting, which is it?). Last summer, we visited the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio and we just visited the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. If we ever find ourselves in Springfield, Massachusetts, you can be sure we will be visiting the Basketball Hall of Fame.



Alex is still too young to appreciate a holiday but we had fun trying anyway. Kristen, Amma, and I decorated cupcakes on Saturday night while the boys were at Priesthood Session. On Easter morning, we lured Alex down the hallway so he could "find" his Easter basket. Next year, he will appreciate it more (we hope).


Soaking up the sun.

It has been so warm here in Ithaca so we went to the park to enjoy it. We are looking forward to many more park days and I am excited for when Alex begs me to take him outside.

I thought I was recording his first experience swinging but I must have pushed the button twice because the recording was only one second long. That makes me very sad because Alex started cracking up. He loves the swings!


Alex trying to figure out the grass.

It's too dirty.

Playing with Daddy.

I have seen this pose before!



So happy.

I love when he smiles.

Playing on the playground equipment.

Down the slide with Daddy.

I love these four feetsies.

What is this in my hand?

How do leaves taste?

He was happiest playing on this plastic thing. It was clean.