
Edison's Edition (6 Months)

Weight: 18 pounds, 8 ounces
Length: 28 inches

*I don't like to compare my kids, but let's just take a moment to appreciate that Alex weighed 18 pounds, 10 ounces at one year old! Edison doesn't even crawl yet which means this little mommy carries him everywhere.*

Today is Edison's half birthday. He has been around for half of a year. A whole six months. I can't say that I can't imagine life without him, because I remember life before Edison came along, but I don't want to go back. He has added so much to my life. He can make us laugh so hard. He can make Alex laugh hysterically! Of course, Alex returns the favor. I am so glad my boys get along. I hope they continue that for their whole lives. We decided to have our first two really close together so they could be best friends. I love seeing that come to pass a little more each day. Edison has some amazing facial expressions. He coos and cries, but other than that, he really uses his facial expressions to tell us how he feels. I enjoy getting a little look into how Edison really feels.

Sweet snuggles.


Careful ladies. He's a boob man.

Why does he get a high chair?!

"How can I get those pieces in my mouth?"

Bright flash!

Bowls are one of his favorite toys.

"Give me the camera!"

I was trying to encourage him to roll over. Big mistake. Now he won't stop rolling and diaper changes are nearly impossible.




"Whatcha doin' up there?"

Brotherly love.

"If I am really cute, will you get him off of me?"

London Bridges?

I spy with my little eye...

Contortionist. (It's not a wig, I promise!)

Sporting the spit-up.

Model pose.

I want that ducky!

"Watch closely and I'll do a magic trick."

"I think I can get the whole thing in!"

Sleeping so peacefully.


Already loves paper.

Om nom nom.

"I once caught a fish this big."

Brother choo-choo.

His seductive pose.

Sitting on a ball like a big person.

Hold on for dear life!

Mommy's little pear.

Baby in overalls!

Using this toy the normal way isn't as fun.

He learned how to pull himself up and flip out. So the swing is put away.

The perfect gagging toy.

He loves music and now he plays his own.

What's so funny?

They are starting to look so similar.

"Give me that pacifier, baby!"

He crinkles paper every chance he gets.

Edison playing in his bed. Adorable.

Here are a few more things Edison does for which I do not have a matching picture:
...startles very easily. Alex taunts him through the baby monitor by roaring.
...has learned to fake cough.
...wakes up in bed so happy. Every time I need to go somewhere and I go in to wake him up, he is already awake!
...has started happily screaming. So loud and so high-pitched. And extra adorable.
...turns toward any toy. If he wants something, he is going to get it.
...is easily distracted. If he hears a tiny noise, he must stop nursing and turn to see what it was.
...has very blond eyelashes.
...can roll from his back to his tummy.
...loves sleeping with things on his face.
...hasn't figured out how to move forward. If he wants something in front of him, he rolls over instead.
...has two teeth! His two center bottom teeth came in and we didn't even know!
...loves music. It still calms him immediately.


Bugging Me

There is only one thing I hate about Texas: bugs. They are everywhere. Ants especially. We cannot sit on the grass, go outside barefoot, or stand in one place too long. Alex has learned not to play in our backyard and instead plays on the deck only. He is always telling us when he sees a bug. We have had spiders, ants, cockroaches, earwigs, small beetles, crickets, and one baby lizard in our house. Disgusting.


There are so many ants here, that Alex now thinks every bug is an ant. Sam would pick up bugs and put them in the garbage/toilet. Alex started picking up on that and was trying to pick up spiders! So Sam taught him how to step on ants. Now Alex tries to step on every "ant." It rained a few days ago and we had a two feet wide ant hill pop up in our backyard. We cannot water the lawn, pull weeds, or bring in the garbage can without getting bug bites. When we are outside, Sam will squat down to look for anthills. Alex will bend over and look at the ground really closely, too.

Alex copying Mommy by using a shoe and hitting the wall.

I've been promised that the bugs go away in a few months. I really hope that is true. I am tired of having bumps all over my hands, arms, and legs because I decided to pick a weed.

Edison was lying on the floor and started screaming. They got him in the neck rolls.
Alex's poor legs are always bumped, bruised, and bitten.

Since we have learned what to do to keep bugs out, our house has been much less bug-infested. No cockroaches or crickets for a month or two! Hallelujah. But now that there has been some moisture, I have seen mosquitoes. Oh goody.

The boys always have little bumps on their chests/backs.

It isn't too bad though. I kill a bug or two a day inside but it helps me keep the house really clean. My sister is in town visiting. I told her about the bugs everywhere. She told me this morning that she woke up in the middle of the night last night and there was a mouse on the wall! She was like, "I am going to die!" It was just the door knob though. Luckily, we have not had any mice (or even heard of other people having mice). Hopefully this doesn't deter people from visiting us. It's all part of the experience!


Pretty Boys

I think we are going to have some good-looking daughters one day.


*Sam does not endorse this post or its content in any way.*


Astros and BYU Games

SLB was giving out free tickets to an Astros game. Sam asked for four tickets so we would have room for the boys to play a little bit, and so Alex could have his own seat. They were almost out of tickets so they ended up giving us two seats in one row and two seats in the row in front of us. That defeated our purpose of getting extra tickets, so we decided to invite someone else. When we realized the Astros were playing the Pirates, we knew we have to invite Kirsten. Kirsten and Sam were in the MILR program together and she is now working for Shell in Houston. She and her fiance (Jason) are from Pittsburgh so they loved the game.


I always sneak drinks and snacks into baseball games. Kirsten thought my mom bag was hilarious. When they were gone getting dinner, I bought cotton candy. When they came back, Kirsten said, "You brought your own cotton candy?!" She seriously thought I had a Mary Poppins bag. Edison got some his hands on the cotton candy. Luckily I noticed before he got it in his mouth. That would have been an exciting first solid food for him.





We went to the Beard's to watch the first BYU game of the season. Alex, Addi, and Bailey have become good little friends and it is so nice to let them play together and entertain each other while we watched the game. Go BYU!

