
The Biter


Edison has always enjoyed chewing on our fingers. He grabs our hands and stuffs our fingers in his mouth. On September 22nd, he did that, as usual. But the biting hurt! I looked in his mouth and he had two teeth peeking through! Both bottom center teeth came in on the same day. He has now taken to chewing on anything he can get in his mouth and drooling nonstop. This little Nugget is crazy and getting cuter every day.




This ward has been probably the hardest adjustment I have ever had to a ward. Maybe it's because we know we'll be here for so long, but I am really trying to find a place to fit. We joined a preschool that women in the ward were organizing, and then the other moms quit after one day. The kids in the group were around Alex's age, which is a little young to focus for long. But one other mom and I have persevered and it has been great! Now that we have a second car, I am able to go to playgroup each week as well. It is really nice to go out and have a relaxing environment to visit without having to run around or pay attention to the next lesson.

We have both received callings in the ward and we have both spoken in Sacrament Meeting, although not together. Sam spoke a few months ago (on obedience) and I spoke today (on missionary work). It was the best talk I have ever given. I was actually able to speak for the full 15 minutes, which if you know how fast I talk when I get nervous, you know that is a miracle. I wasn't even reading my talk the whole time! That is also out of the ordinary for me. I am growing up!

Sam is the Secretary in the Elder's Quorum. When I first heard his calling, I laughed. I am pretty sure Sam  made it through grad school without once writing down a due date. So now he is charge of taking notes and doing other organizational things. So awesome. He is doing a great job though and is learning all of the mens' names since he has to take roll.

I am the Second Counselor in the Young Women's organization. This is my first time serving in Young Women's and I love it! It was tricky at first to schedule Edison so he didn't need me from 6:45pm on, because he is asleep when I get home; but everything has been working out. I really enjoy getting to know all of the girls and the Spirit that is in those meetings. I was in Young Women's for myself not long ago. I am hoping to give the girls in my ward here as great of an experience as I had while growing up.

There are not very many girls in the ward, so although we divide into classes on Sundays, all Wednesday activities are combined. I like it that way. I feel like the Young Women are friends with everyone, instead of just the people in their class.

We have had a lot of fantastic mutual activities. Our last two combined activities have been really fun. First we went ice blocking, and then we had a pinewood derby. The youth are awesome!






Edison's Edition (7 Months)

Weight: 19 pounds, 2 ounces
Length: 28.5 inches

Edison is scooting (10.7.11). I am pretty sure I have seen him crawl a few times but since Sam is out of town, we aren't counting it (need two or three witnesses). He is definitely mobile though. He can get to anything he wants. He climbs, scoots, or wiggles; it doesn't matter what it takes, he's getting there. He can also go from crawling position to sitting up. It blew my mind the first time I saw it. Recently, I was trying to decide if Edison likes his momma or daddy more. I couldn't decide because he really just likes attention. This kid lives for eye contact. If I stand in front of him and look right in his eyes, he starts cracking up. My face is just that funny. He is so easy to make laugh. He is always giggling. If he isn't giggling, that probably means he is stuck on his stomach. Again. I have spent much of my time during the last month going into his bedroom and turning him onto his back again because he can't seem to roll over from tummy to back in his crib.When I go into his room to get him after he wakes up, he reaches up to me with one arm (he can't reach with both arms because he is on his stomach, and one has to hold him up). I love it. When I put the boys in their high chairs for a meal, if dinner is still cooking and they get restless, I stomp around and say, "Roar, I'm a big hungry lion." Edison and Alex are both in fits over it. I am not sure why they think it is so funny but I keep doing it for their little laughs. (Sam has never seen me do this.)

Almost crawling!

Six year old boy: The baby's eating the paper! Eating it! Like... Chewing!

That's not food! (He loves anything that crinkles or if seems like he shouldn't have it.)

That's a nice pile of pillows.

Peek-a-Boo (or as Alex says, "Attaboo!"

He loves sleeping with something on his head. It scares me!

This video summarizes their relationship perfectly.

He finally decided this month that he is going to like bath time!

I love my clean boys!

So smiley!

Getting ready to move!

Alex brings out their blankets so they can have pretend nap times.

One night we decided to put Edison in Alex's pajamas. They fit.

He is getting so big!

"Would you like a pacifier?"

Such yummy cheeks you have!

Sitting like a big boy!

Bouncing all over the place (including into the door frame).

I couldn't believe that he actually liked this thing. I almost gave it away because Alex hated it so much.

He climbs into everything. I love that he is a climber, too.

I love his rocking.

Rice cereal flavor saver?

He refuses to open his eyes for pictures. Just like his daddy.

Alex loves smashing hugging him.

Playing in the front yard with Daddy.

They needed some alone time.

He is the happiest outside.

Out for a walk.

Caught in the act!

Climbing over toys to get a "better" toy!

Whenever he drops something, he leans over the edge of his high chair like, "How'd that get down there? Is someone going to get it for me?"

Alex is very generous when I ask him to get his brother a toy.

Baby wedgie.

Alex always wants to sit with Edison/on Edison's lap. Edison loves it because it means he has plenty of hair to pull.

I finally finished and hung the letters for his bedroom.

Here are a few more things Edison does for which I do not have a matching picture:
 ...is a funny kid. We could give Alex a rattle or a teething ring and he was entertained for house. Edison isn't tricked by such things. He wants a whisk or an empty Capri-Sun. Got some paper? You're his new favorite person.
...sleeps almost on his stomach. Legs are fully flipped over but his upper body is on the side. Always on his left side.
...is so squirmy. Nursing is difficult. Once he's satisfied with nursing, he rolls off, puts his hands up in the air, and starts cooing and dancing.
...nurses super fast. He always has to burp after nursing or he will spit up. If he burps while sitting up, it knocks him over.
...loves blowing raspberries. The amount of drool has increased exponentially.
...can get out of the Bumbo.
...always have to have something in his hands.
...has a third nipple (according the the pediatrician, but it looks like a dimple to me).
...brings things right up to his face to inspect them. Then promptly inserts them in his mouth.
...loves Mommy. When I am holding him with one arm, on my hip, he uses his back arm to wrap around my arm.
...becomes very startled by loud noises.


About Four Months?

I used to ask Sam how far along I looked. That was until I started working out with my sister-in-law 10 weeks ago. Since that time, I have lost seven pounds and although I know I still have more to go (eight until my pre-pregnancy weight), my clothes are fitting better and I feel much more confident.


Let's set the scene:
Tonight I was sitting in the Relief Society room waiting for mutual opening exercises. A few stragglers were still in the room from choir practice which had just ended. The young woman who was conducting stood up to begin and the room quieted. I was sitting in an aisle seat (is this an airplane?) with Alex on my lap and a young woman was sitting in the seat to my left with Edison on her lap. An old lady walked by me. She stopped right over me and said, "When are you due?" I hoped that she were talking to someone else but I knew she couldn't possibly be. She was practically stepping on my feet with how close she was to me. I looked straight up at her and said, "I'm not pregnant."

Most people would move on. She then said, "Oh. You're like me. We just always look pregnant. [Something about how long ago she had kids and she still looks pregnant]". I said, "Well, I am not pregnant. This one (Alex) is mine and this one (Edison) is mine." She said, "That explains it. I had a Caesarian and so they tore up all my muscles and I can't ever get my belly to go away."

Remember how the room was silent because we were just about to start? Everyone was staring at me and I felt fat all night (on top of my usual feeling fat-ness). I made it home before I cried.

I had hoped I never would have had a story like this. And if it did ever happen, I planned to have a clever response or just tell the person I was due in four months to spare them from the embarrassment. This lady didn't deserve either response. She was tactless.


The Favorite Parent

Alex has been repeating our words after us a lot recently. He usually only repeats the last one or two words of a sentence. This was our conversation as we were driving last night:

Sam: Alex, do you want one or two?
Alex: Two.
Emily: Do you want two or one?
Alex: One.
Emily: Do you want two or three?
Alex: Three.
Sam: Do you want three or two?
Alex: Two.
Emily: Do you like Daddy or Mommy more?
Alex: Momma.
Sam: Grrr. Do you like Mommy or Daddy more?
Alex: Momma.

Emily: Champion!


Tuesday Thyme: Raspberry Limeade

Raspberries were so cheap a few weeks ago and I found this recipe for Raspberry Limeade. I was having a hard time juicing the limes but didn't want to pull out the juicer so I made Sam do it. His hand hurt by the end of it so next time we'll use the juicer. But we both really liked it! I especially loved the pulp. Delicious.


Raspberry Limeade
Source: Annie's Eats
Serves: 4

1 c. water
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. freshly squeezed lime juice
1/2 c. strained raspberry puree
1 T. lemon juice
3 c. sparking water, chilled
Lime slices and fresh raspberries, for serving

1. In a small saucepan over medium heat made the simply syrup by combining the water and sugar. Heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat.
2. In a serving pitcher, combine the lime juice, raspberry puree, and lemon juice.
3. Stir in the simply syrup.
4. Chill until ready to serve.
5. Just before serving, stir in the sparkling water.
6. Garnish with lime slices and fresh raspberries as desired.


Downtown Aquarium


We went to the Houston Aquarium and Alex thought it was the best day of his life. He loves animals. It was pouring rain when we got there and we had to run through it to get to the entrance. Edison was not a fan of that, but once we got inside, we all enjoyed it.




We got to pet sting rays, snowshoe crabs, and small sharks. Alex wouldn't touch the sharks but he touched the rays and crabs. By the age of two, he has now touched an elephant, alligator, sting ray, and crab.




Sam kept telling Alex that the animals could eat him whole and still be hungry.



When we finished going through the Aquarium, we couldn't believe we were done. It has a lot packed into a really small building! So we went around and saw everything again. When we got to the tigers, we sat down and let Alex watch them for about 30 minutes. Alex would stand against the glass until the tiger walked by and then he would step back.




On our way out to the car, we passed a fountain. Despite the rainy day, Alex tried to climb into a fountain. Every body of water is a pool to him!