

My new friend Evelyn had the day off for Good Friday so we met her at Bear Creek Pioneers Park. There are several playgrounds and, unexpectedly, lots of animals. It was like a zoo.

Alex, Edison, Daylin, and Declan

It started raining right before we left and Edison's hair was crazy.

Ivonne is a friend who lives in our neighborhood. We drove to the temple together one night to do a session. Catherine Glad also met us there and it was nice to have some friends in the session.

We watched the Sunday morning session of Conference at Ivonne's. The missionaries were also there.

Alex's school celebrated the 100th day of school. I am kind of surprised that it is such a big deal. Any reason for a party, I suppose!

Michelle had her baby, Seth David Lyons. I am so excited to meet him.

Kayla was in town for a few days so she and the Laws came over for dinner on a Sunday evening.

Alex is constantly catching lizards (anoles) now. One day I picked him up from school and as we were walking to the car he said he had a lizard in his backpack and I was like, "Uh huh, right." Then he reached in and pulled out a lizard!

We went to Ben & Jerry's for their free cone day and some friends were there too!

Edison, Emma, Alex, Eli, and Declan

Sam took the boys to the Jazz-Rockets game. I was not able to go because I had mutual but they met up with the Glads there.

We were playing on a playground and Edison was trying to run up a slide made out of rollers. He did not quite make it up the slide and his lip met the rolling pins.

I was in charge of decorations for New Beginnings. I also brought s'mores pies. Thanks to Olivia for the delicious recipe!

Jamba Juice was having free smoothies one day so I took Edison and Declan. I ordered three and then the cashier said it was one per person. I said, "They are people!" He said, "Oh, right." I am still not sure if he believed me.

We have a babysitting swap with the Moores and Hawkins. This was an exceptionally crazy time because Sam was at the temple so I watched all seven kids myself.

It may not be warm enough to go swimming yet but it is warm enough for the splash pad!

Susan and Levi

Sam brought me half of a bag of my favorite candies for my half birthday. He got a little carried away while eating half of the bags though. He left me only four M&Ms!

Edison and I went to Chelsey's ward for Hudson's blessing. Their ward is very loud; babies everywhere!

The Young Women sold lasagnas to earn money for Girls Camp. The night we assembled them was a long one. And the lasagnas we bought were not very good. Such a shame.

Alex's school had an open house at the end of the year so we could see all of the work the kids had done throughout the year. I was very impressed with some of the things he had done and the stories he had written!

Sam wishes I would wear my phone on my waistband like this always.

Sam caught this little guy in our bedroom one day.

Some people were having a hard time getting a lizard out of the entrance to the library. Edison strolled over and snatched it up without a problem.

Book club: Missy, Marcia, Emily, Amanda, Evelyn, Melissa

Alex was running out of the classroom while I was picking him up and one of the other teachers yelled to Alex's teacher, "Ms. Bennett! One of your students, Lizard Boy, is running out!" He is well known for his abilities.

Declan may look cute but he picked up a dead cockroach in the parking lot and put it in his mouth. He said, "Cockroach yucky."

This caterpillar rode on our windshield all the way home from church.

Dane, Edison, and Declan

So many polka dots!

Using our membership to the Children's Museum!

When we do the Hokey Pokey at the library Edison always asks, "This hand?" Because he doesn't know right from left. One day, we got to the head part and he pointed and said, "This head?"

Edison and Dane singing "Row Your Boat" at the library.

Edison is in the stage of saying very funny or cute things. Here are a few things he said this month:

"Mom, look at that large bird. It has a fat belly."

He lifted up his shirt and said, "I'm going to open this up so I can get cold." I laughed and he said, "That's what I do at night." I also learned that he punches the air when he gets scared in bed at night.

Edison: How many minutes until we get there?
Emily: Seven.
Edison: That's what number your feet are!

Edison: Is this singer really big or really small?
Emily: He is normal size, why?
Edison: How does he fit inside the radio?

Edison: But how did the angels call the lions? They don't even have phones.
Emily: They calmed the lions.
Edison: Oh, I thought they called them.

Edison: Have we ever been to Disneyland?
Emily: You've been to Disney World.
Edison: Can we go to Disneyland sometime?
Emily: Yes, probably.
Edison: But we don't have a big bucket of money!