
Mei's Moments (3 Months)

Weight: 13 pounds, 10 ounces
Length: 24.5 inches

This month has flown by. It is so hard to think of Mei as a three-month-old. She changes so much every day. She has steadily gained around two pounds for each month of her life. She also grew two inches in the past month! My feelings for her have been well-documented. I love everything about this little girl. Someone asked me today if the fourth child was hard and I said I feel like I only added 1/4 of the difficulty of usually adding a child. She is a wonderful baby and I hope she stays so calm, yet still willing to voice her opinion.

Big brother snuggles

She pulled the blanket over the top of her.

This dress was given to us by a lady from church. She said she saw it and had to buy it for Mei.

Those cheeks!

She smiles at anyone who smiles at her. Her whole body wiggles when she smiles.

She sleeps the best in my bed.

I like to sneak in and snuggle her.

They aren't pajamas if you put a bow on?

Triple stroller!

Everyone around here is crazy!

This is my favorite bow and we lost it at the zoo!

I could stare at these faces all day.

Something exciting over there?

So judgy!

Thank you for the adorable blanket, Aunt Alexis!

That's a bad hair day!

Adorable outfits from Olivia!


Mei pushed her feet against the seat to scoot up.

Sound asleep and her hands are never far away from her face.

Peeking to see if there is something worth waking up for.

Her clogged tear duct has gotten out of control this month.

My little actress baby.

She is too big for swaddling clothes.

I love the way baby hips open.

She can sleep anywhere, anytime.

I cannot keep track of weeks, so we are in months from now on!


Want more Mei? She...
...is drooly. Always blowing bubbles.
...loves eating her fingers. If she is almost asleep or almost awake, guaranteed her fingers are in her mouth.
...hates lying flat on her back unless she is in her bed about to go to sleep. Otherwise she crunches to try to sit up more.
...was sick for a couple of weeks at the beginning of month and it was so sad to hear her breathing through her little congested nose.
...no longer relaxes on our chests.
...loves watching her brothers run around.
...is starting to get distracted while nursing.
...has brown eyes. It is very strange because they went straight from gray to brown, never blue!
...gets hangry. She can be soothed unless she is in her carseat, then the only way to calm her is to feed her.
...nursed 212 times this month for a total of 3,038 minutes. She eats approximately every 3-5 hours. She goes to bed around 9pm and sleeps for 8-10 hours. Basically, she is the best.