
Ten Years!

Today we celebrate ten years of marriage. We met at church while living in Utah and attending BYU. Sam was 25. I was... not. I thought he was old. He thought I was young. We both felt it would be safe to do a little bit of flirting. We talked. We played cards. We chased each other around with permanent markers. We kissed. I laughed. Sam side-eyed me. We said, "I love you." We planned a wedding. Sam graduated. We were married in the Mesa Arizona Temple.

2009 // ONE YEAR

 We moved to Colorado to work for the summer. Then moved back to Utah so Crazy (Sam called me Crazy so you would think he saw it coming) could graduate. After graduation, with Alex in the womb, we moved to Ohio. We slept in the back of the moving truck on the side of the highway in Wyoming. Baby Alex made us parents in Ohio, and we moved to New York 18 days later.

2010 // TWO YEARS

After nearly two years (minus a short internship in Pennsylvania), Baby Edison joined our family. Sam leveled up to Master.


Your friendly neighborhood HR professional got a job in Sugar Land, Texas. Our time there was short and sweet before moving to the frozen North (Dakota).

2012 // FOUR YEARS

North Dakota gave us a lot. Good friends. Freezing temperatures. An adorable Baby Declan.

2013 // FIVE YEARS

2014 // SIX YEARS

 After a bittersweet goodbye, we moved to Houston, Texas.



A family of five became six as we welcomed Baby Mei.

2017 // NINE YEARS

2018 // TEN YEARS

This is true love.