
Sad Night in Provo

Yes, we watched the game. Although I do feel that U of U has a better team this year, it was unfortunate how we handed the game to them. By "we" I mean Max Hall. It seems he transferred to University of Utah near the end of the 3rd quarter. He single-handedly lost this game for BYU. I made a sign for the U fans and made Sam get in the picture. I did not tell him to thug it. He's a little odd.

This is how all of the Ute fans should be feeling.


  1. true story. thanks for throwing the game max. ..literally. how about next time you pitch 'em a bit higher? sad sad day.

  2. I have no idea what happened!! We had tonz of ppl over for the game and I was so busy making stuff that I never watched the game! Tyler didn't seem nearly as upset as he was at that TCU game though. Maybe it was because of all my yummy food.

    Oh! And you guys can totally come over for Thanksgiving. :D

  3. Jami went to Westwood and was my age. I have a link to her blog on my blog. It's Jami & Spencer I think.

  4. Haha, it was a horrible thing to watch. That's all I want to say.

  5. I attribute it to divine intervention. Obviously, the good Lord wanted the Utes to win. End of story.
