
And I laughed...

Sam and I were having ice cream cones the other night. I scooped his and handed it to him and he immediately began eating it. Then I scooped mine (the same size as I had made his). Once I finished, I asked him to hold mine so I could put the ice cream back in the freezer. I did this and then turned around and he was eating mine! I said, "Hey! You have your own!" Then he made a sheepish face and said, "Yours was bigger..." Can you believe I am going to have two little boys soon?! :-)


  1. Wisdom of the ages saying:
    "My husband has 1 boy and I have 2."

  2. You guys are so cute! You crack me up :-) Jordan always steals my toast. =P

  3. haha. too funny! We're so excited for you guys!!!

  4. Yay I'm so excited for you guys! I'm also a little jealous you are nearing the end of pregnancy! :)

    Also--I love that you got so much of the baby goods from craigslist...so did we! Hand-me-downs are the BEST! :)

    I'm really excited to hear about your upcoming arrival-! I'm totally obsessed with baby stories--labor and delivery...I'm just so curious!! Can't wait for you guys!

  5. ha ha, that should be fun!!! Two boys!
