
Alex is aging! (6 months)

Today is Alex's half birthday! He is a little cutie and Sam and I feel privileged to have him as part of our family.

Weight: 14 pounds, 12.5 ounces (5th percentile)
Length: 26 inches (25th percentile)

He eats his feet.

He plays with empty cartons.

He eats shopping carts.

He hangs out in the corner of chairs.

He goes on walks with Mommy.

He arches his back to look at us.

He goes to campus to eat lunch with Daddy.

We call this Baby's Workshop/Workbench.

He peeks around corners.

He opens his mouth really wide...

...And kisses his ducky.

He plays after bathtime.

He moves all over the place.

He pushes up on all fours.

But sometimes he needs to take a rest.

He can sit up as long as he wants.

Sometimes we find him in weird positions in the mornings.

He matches Daddy.

He loves eating paper.

He has really awesome toys. Sometimes Mommy plays with them, too.

He is a Sock Houdini!

We call this his King Kong move.

He is a total stud on Sundays.

He has new toys!

He loves toys that make noise.

He is spoiled.

He loves watching Daddy.

He is learning about many new things.

He wakes up so happy.

He sleeps in weird positions.

He scoots backwards and works himself under the couch.

He loves eating cell phones and remote controls.

He is all-around adorable.

He sleeps funny.

I put him in his crib on his back with his head on the left.

He likes holding hands with his friend in the mirror.

He rolls around and scoots until he gets stuck by a wall.

He thinks Mommy is crazy.

He should be a model.

He has moved to the toddler side of the tub.

He has very pale skin.

He eats his fingers... always.

He has a new cousin (Keaton)!

He drives around town.

He cries and screams.

He eats anything he can get his hands on.

He does not stay on his back for long!

He took off his own diaper. Scandalous!

He has two very cute dimples.

He is always sticking out his tongue.

He is becoming very aware which makes pictures/videos more difficult.

He tells us about his day.

This is what he does all day.

We torture our son in the following ways:
We take him out in the freezing cold and put him on ice chairs.

He pinched the side of his mouth with this toy and started bleeding.

We give him difficult toys.

His friends sit on him...

...more than once.

We drive into trees.

We cover his eyes.

We put him in his high chair and don't give him any food.

We let him play with plastic bags.

We feed him beef gravy.

We almost drop him.

Here are a few more things Alex does for which I do not have a matching picture:
...giggles while falling asleep.
...tries to sit up while nursing.
...gets distracted by everything while nursing.
...blows bubbles while nursing.
...pushes my hands out of the way while nursing.
...falls asleep by himself.
...has such a small abdomen that I can reach my fingers all the way around.
...makes eye contact with the person holding him.
...gets shy while looking in the mirror and will put his face in my shoulder to hide.
...loves when people straddle him while he is on his back.
...can hold his own bottle.
...fell off the bed (Mommy's fault).
...gets startled while falling asleep.
...thinks that he will move if he lifts his legs and arms off the ground during tummy time.
...had a rash on is knees and elbows from trying to crawl.
...draws on Sam's iPod touch.
...gives unintentional back scratches because he is always opening and closing his hands.
...fake coughs all the time! It is ridiculous... and adorable.


  1. Wow!! Time flies! He is such a cutie!!

  2. SERIOUSLY CUTE! I love the picture of him "visiting daddy for lunch!" he is such a stud! I all of the pictures with him in jeans SERIOUSLY adorable!
    Ok, well pretty much all of the pictures are too cute for words... let's face it, you have an adorable little boy! I love your updates on him, they are really fun to read!
    How is New York? Still freezing? :-)

  3. I look forward to these posts, way more than I think I should, but your baby is so darn cute!!

  4. What a fun little guy! Isn't it amazing to watch them learn and try new things?! Have you tried the rice cereal? I'm curious to know how that's going for you? Hopefully he eats like a champ.

  5. He is growing up so fast! He's adorable Emily.

  6. Emily, you have one ADORABLE baby boy. He definitely gets his good looks from his mom though. How do you feel about Sam's facial hair by the way? lol. Love your blog. too cute.

  7. I can't get over how adorable Alex is. I love the matching pants. So Awesome!

  8. First of all, I've said it before and I'll say it again, YOU HAVE THE MOST ADORABLE CHILD!

    Secondly, you were in my dream the other night! It was so funny. I kept trying to nonchalantly see if it was really you back in Utah. And it was! You were trying to explain to someone how to inject chocolate filling into cupcakes--random, I know. But in a way it was good to see you! ;)

  9. This is a fantastic post! I love seeing all he can do! He is pretty darn cute!

  10. We miss little Alex and loved all these pictures of him. We're sending him a package this week. :-)

  11. Cute post! I should take the time to sit and write all the funny, cute things that my girls do!

    Handsome little dude!
