
I just became infinitely cooler.

Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep, I had an epiphany. I can't believe I didn't realize it sooner. I had to wake up Sam so I could tell him how awesome I am. It might be a little confusing to explain. So if you use my nickname for the first part and then my initials of my middle and last name, it is...


Wow. I think that just made me so cool. I might need to change my signature to incorporate the awesomeness that is my name.


  1. Sweet. When I got married, I became an MD. or MAD. Yours is cooler.

  2. Awesome!! When I got married, I became J-Lowe :)

  3. wow! You ARE cool! Even before I knew about the whole name thing, I thought you were legit and NOW you're TOO legit!

    I wouldn't quit, though. :)

  4. That is pretty funny. I always hoped I'd marry someone with an "E" last name. Then I would have been ACME. But ACMB is okay, too. :)
