

We realized that my Volkswagen Beetle might not be the best family car. When we decided to have another child, I started trying to sell it. That was back in June 2010. It was harder to sell than I expected because it has a Rebuilt Salvage title. On 14 February 2011, I officially signed over the title to the new owner.


That was a bittersweet moment for me. I am excited to be one step closer to owning a car that will fit our stroller, but I have so many great memories involving that car. My parents bought it before I was even 16 years old. They didn't give it to me, but for all intents and purposes, it was my car. My dream car growing up had always been a hot pink VW Beetle. I am glad my dad saw reason and did not paint it hot pink for me. I remember spending a hot, summer day helping my dad replace the air bags. I still remember that the seatbelt buckle got a little bent that day. We used electrical tape to make it stand up right, but it was never the same.


I drove that car to school, softball, dates, friends. When I got to college, me and my roommates named it Crayola, because it had a very distinct crayon smell. Probably from all the plastic. Sometimes on humid days, I could smell the chlorine in the car from all the days I sat in the seat still wet from swim practice. I remember my drive to Fresno in that car to visit Sam. I remember my Post-It note with tally marks of how many times people sitting in the backseat hit their heads on the side panel. I remember when I was backing out of the driveway in college and I knocked off the passenger-side mirror on a bush; not my best moment. I remember when Matthew would drive the Beetle and he would immediately take out the flower and stick it in the door pocket because he was embarrassed by it. Sam never took out the flower. I'll let the two of them fight about what that means.

When Sam and I got married, my mom mailed me the title as our wedding present. They had let me take it to college and I had even moved to Denver with it. I guess acting like I owned it worked out.


I am going to miss all of the comments from people about my car sounding like it needed an oil change. I am also going to miss the gas station attendants running out to inform me that I am putting diesel in my car. I must look like a really ditzy person because that happened too many times to count.

When I was struggling with selling it, my dad emailed me and apologized for buying me a car that was so difficult to resell. I thought that was the most preposterous thing for which to apologize; they had given me an amazing gift! My dad was always supportive of me in trying to sell it and gave me new ideas to make it sound as great as it was.


I don't like to think of myself as worldly, but that car was the most beloved material object I have ever possessed. It is strange to think that I will never sit in it again. I will probably never see it again. I am really going to miss it. I am getting a little teary-eyed just thinking about it being gone. For now, I am stuck driving stick-shift and trying not to roll backward down an Ithaca hill. Cross your fingers!

I hope the new owners love that car as much as I loved it. Goodbye, Crayola!


loVe Day

This was our fifth Valentine's Day together! It wasn't the classic Valentine's Day but we still had a good day. I made blueberry muffins for breakfast, we sold my car (more on that later), Alex had a pediatrician appointment, then Sam went to campus from 10:30am until 7:15pm. Alex and I went grocery shopping. When Sam came home we had a Slice of Heaven (pizza) and In the Clouds (rootbeer floats). Then Sam went back to campus for intramural bowling. He got home from that and did homework until midnight. Party!



Pregnancy Letter 2.2

Dear Doctor,

So you know how this fetus currently only weighs about five pounds and you so kindly pointed out that I've already gained 30? Well, my chin was lonely and wanted some friends. Also, my stretch marks are currently in a race with each other to see which pregnancy can win. It's not looking good for my first pregnancy's chances because the newcomers have five weeks of damage left to do. Thanks for the self-esteem boost though; always appreciated.



Mrs. McPuppet

We went to a Mrs. McPuppet show. Alex was more interested in the little snack bags the kids were leaving on the ground. He ate part of someone's apple, some string cheese, and spilled a milk carton. But he also watched quite a bit of the show! He watched more than I expected and he was dancing along with a few of the songs. He didn't jump around with the other kids though. He just stared with his jaw hanging open for most of it. I think he was wondering what that lady was doing. I am really glad we went.




Laughing School

My dad used to always joke that I needed to be sent to a laughing school so I could learn a less annoying laugh. Apparently the condition is genetic. Sorry, Alex!


Super Bowl

The Sheranians had us over to watch the Super Bowl again this year. It was really fun. We had delicious snacks and it was fun to visit with friends.

Sam, Josh, and Nathan all served missions in Hong Kong. Josh and I both majored in psychology at BYU and had a few classes together. Now all three boys are in the MILR program! It is a really small world sometimes.

I actually watched a lot of the game this year. Usually I am completely bored and can't wait for it to be over. We were having such a good time, that once the game ended, I had to say to Sam, "The game's over. I think we should go." Alex slept great and made the transition home surprisingly well. We are so glad he and Canon are good buddies.




Snow Cream

Our adorable friends made some delicious snow ice cream and invited us out to play and have some, too! Alex was very interested in watching it being made, but he was too cold so he didn't want to eat any. That is very uncharacteristic of Alex because he has a serious case of sugar addiction.


We went inside and I put it in the freezer so he could enjoy it once he warmed up. And enjoy it he did! He loved it!


Snow Cream
8 cups snow
1 t. vanilla
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk

1. Put snow in a big bowl.
2. Pour sweetened condensed milk and vanilla over the top.
3. Stir.
4. Enjoy immediately.


Pregnancy Letter 2.1

Dear Doritos,

Why did you have to be on sale?! I never buy you, but there you were, sitting so nicely on the shelf for half price. I'm sorry I ate you in one day. And I'm sorry I ate your twin the next day. I really, really am.

The Fatty


The Dream Job

I used to want to be a cop so I could serve and protect.
Then I wanted to be a doctor so I could comfort and heal.
I wanted to be a sign language interpreter so I could learn a new language.
I dreamed of being a therapist so I could help people with their problems.
I wanted to be a business consultant to help companies work efficiently.
I thought being a teacher might be a good job for me.

Then I became a mom and realized I got everything I ever wanted.

I get to serve my child in every way imaginable.
I protect him from any danger he may encounter.
I comfort and heal on a daily basis: bumps and bruises and hurt feelings.
My language skills have never been more needed as my child learns how to express himself.
I get to help him solve problems and learn how to think.
I am a teacher to him in every single thing I say or do.

I got my dream job after all. It is a job that does not exist anywhere outside of my home.
I am a cop, doctor, interpreter, therapist, consultant, and teacher.

I am Alex's mother.


Future Janitor

When Alex was three weeks old, we realized we had a future valedictorian on our hands.


But we had been wondering what he would do after graduation! That question has been answered; Alex is going to be a janitor!

Cousin Keaton gave Alex an awesome broom for Christmas. He used to try dragging around our big broom or mop. Now, if Alex steps on something on the kitchen floor, he runs and opens the pantry door and pulls out his broom. His sweeping isn't very effective but he is getting much better.


After we finish changing his diaper, he hangs around so he can throw it away for us. I think that is the only reason he likes getting a diaper change.

Alex's friend has a little vacuum! He was in heaven. He hardly played with anything else the whole time we were over at their house!

He thinks his golf bag is a vacuum. Every time he sees me getting out the vacuum, he immediately runs over and gets his golf bag. He will push it under the couch or bed just like I do. He is such a good helper.



The mall in Ithaca has a jump/moonwalk place where you pay per hour. Since it has been so cold, I thought it would be fun for Alex to have a chance to run around as much as he wanted. Kristen and Canon came, too!

Alex took a few minutes to warm up to the giant things and he would crawl around because it was hard to walk on the slippery, bouncy floor wearing only his socks. It was so cute to watch him climb over the walls and go through the tunnels. Surprisingly, he had the most fun running around on the solid ground. We just need an indoor basketball court and this kid would be so happy.

After 30 minutes, both Alex and Canon were pooped. So we called it a day.





18 Months

Whenever I would hear someone say that their kid was 18 months old, that was always the age when I would think, "Wow. That is a kid. That kid is walking and talking and has a personality." My baby is 18 months old. A year and a half. I have such mixed feelings about it because I feel like this is a huge milestone. Before Alex was born, Sam and I talked about not letting the baby change our lives. But it has changed me as a person so much that I don't mind changing my lifestyle to match me now. I am a mom.

Every night and every nap, after Alex has been sleeping for about 45 minutes, I get a very strong urge to get him out of bed and snuggle him. I miss him when we are apart.
I remember the first Sunday we took him to church and Sam and I fought about who got to hold him and take him to class. Now he is going to nursery. I am going to miss my little buddy at church.

Top Alex News:
-He has 15 teeth.
-Everything is a phone to him. If we say, "Hello. Who is it?" he will pick up whatever is closest to him and put it up to his ear.
-He can point out body parts. One day I said that he was standing on his tippy toes and and pointed to his toes! I hadn't even taught him that one yet!
-He loves sticking his hands in our mouths.
-Alex looks old to me. Just in the last month he has changed so much.
-When I ask him where Daddy is, he points to the front door like Sam is just chillin' outside.
-If I am reading something, he will come right in front of my face and tilt his head to the side like, "Look at me!"
-Sometimes I avoid teaching him things because I just don't want him to know. Too bad, he learned how to unzip his own coat.
-He is super ticklish on his inner thighs.
-He folds his arms for prayers (when he feels like it).
-If I am holding him and try to set him down, he will bend his knees so I won't set him down. But I have no problem with putting him down on his knees.
-He will run up to us and when he gets close, he turns around to sit in our laps. So he finishes the running up to us by running backwards.
-He puts clothes over his shoulders and runs around like his is flying.
-He uses a spoon really well.
-He will sit and read books alone for long periods of time (30 minutes).
-He tries to dress himself. Watching him try to get his socks on while standing up is very entertaining.
-He loves getting his coat on so he can go outside.
-If I ask him if he needs a diaper change (and he does), he will bring me the changing pad, a diaper, and wipes.
-If we motion him to "come here" (by bending our forefinger), he holds one finger straight up and then bends it over and over.
-He can follow two part commands such as "Go get your bib and put it in the kitchen."
-He opens the kitchen drawers and puts things away. He even puts things in the right drawers!
-We had him evaluated for Early Intervention for his speech. He does not qualify. The psychologist and speech therapist gave us a lot of confidence in his other abilities though. He tests far beyond his age both physically and cognitively. He is a little behind expressively. Since they came over, I have been repeating words over and over to Alex. He has started imitating again. My favorite word to hear him say is "Rabbit."
Weight: 23 pounds, 5 ounces
Height: 32 inches

He looks so cute all bundled outside. 

He is a stud.

He loves wearing Mommy's gloves, and hates wearing his.

The Red Goblin.

He loves balls. Still. Always.

He busts out of his clothes.

"I feel pretty..."

He must see us holding our phones like this.

He is such a good eater now.

He sleeps with his head smashed against the bumper.

He puckers his lips for kisses.

He loves playing with fridge magnets.

He has the most adorable laugh.

If he sees one of Daddy's hats sitting around, it immediately goes on his head.

He is so kissable.

He loves stacking Sam's shoes.

He is good at buckling up.

He loves dancing to anything and everything.

He is constantly stacking and unstacking things.

He knows the names of body parts!

He thinks Mommy is a Jungle Gym.

He growls if he drops something.