
BAPS and Brazos

About 20 hours after I got home, Sam's parents flew into town to visit us. They had been talking about coming for a while but when we found out we were moving, it kind of put an expiration date on their opportunities.

The first day they were with us, I was babysitting a little boy for a few hours. We also got a call from the homeowner's realtor and they told us they were going to be showing the house so we had to leave. We went on a walk around our neighborhood and then someone came by and told us a pitbull was running loose in our neighborhood. Yay! We ended up risking it and walked home anyway. That night I had a YW Presidency meeting but I heard they played board games at home.


The next day, Sam came home from work around lunch time. I was babysitting the little boy again so I wasn't able to go out with them, but they went to see a Hindu temple near our house.




That night, Sam's parents took us out for his birthday which was the next week. We went to a seafood place that we had never been to before. We had to wait for a long time before we were even able to order. Once we ordered, we waited about an hour for our food. The waiter placed my plate in front of me and then Dave's in front of him, and then the tray table tipped over with Sam's and Marian's plates. It was horrible. By this point, they were considering canceling their orders but decided not to. They had to wait 45 minutes longer until their dishes were remade. The manager ended up covering the cost of those dishes which was about $60. Even though the experience was iffy, the food was really good!


The next day we went to Brazos Bend State Park. We had seen so many gators in Florida that I felt we had been gator-ed out. But it ended up being really cool to see them in the wild. It was also a really nice day. We went on Independence Day last year and it was blazing hot, so going in the middle of June was a good decision.







We were standing on the boardwalk looking at a little gator when suddenly this giant gator floated to the top. It was freaky. Then it stayed there waiting for the boys to fall in for a delicious treat.



We went into the visitors' center and the boys got to pet a baby alligator. Alex touched one last time but he remembers it much more from this visit.




I put Edison on the tree trunk so Alex had to have his picture taken on it as well.



A family picture?! This never happens! Ignore the shadows across our faces and it is awesome!



  1. You guys always do the coolest things!! I feel like I'm never motivated enough to go anywhere cool...it could be the heat...but maybe I'm just a lame mom. ALSO, I wanted to give you MAJOR props for taking both boys on your massive road trip!! I took both my boys by myself to Utah for only a week and I was SO ready for some spousal support by the end! You truly are super mom...(and you look amazing too!)

  2. No you didn't hurt my feelings at all! It makes for a good read. ;) Your blog is so fun and exciting. I can't wait til we have kids so we exciting things to post pictures of. I can only post so many pictures of Mike and I.

  3. So we (mike and I) have exciting things to post pictures of *

  4. Your family is cute. Yay for a family picture.

    That alligator place is nuts. I would have been scared to go there and I'm a freaking grown up. Looks like you had fun though. =)

  5. You look great Emily! I love that shirt you're wearing (green and white stripes) in these pictures.
