
Independence Day 2012

The Glads invited us over for a barbecue on Independence Day. I was so excited because our boys love their boys and Jason and Catherine are awesome so we knew it would be fun.



Right after we got there, we went outside and did poppers. Alex was fascinated by them.



Jason made delicious steaks for lunch. I brought a random fruit salad that I am glad I stopped myself from putting oranges in because kiwi, grapes, and watermelon? That's bizarre already.



I have no idea what the boys were so interested in but they were entranced.



They also invited some friends from their ward. Conversation was so easy the whole time and I loved it. There was amazing food, company, and conversation. It was a great day.


After we got home, we played in the backyard and then went rollerblading/running. When the boys went to bed, Sam and I watched the fireworks from our neighborhood. Sam carried frogs around and then acted surprised when they pee in his hands. Our neighbors were also doing their own little show and one flew right by us and landed right by our front door. Alex found it the next day and wouldn't put it down.


1 comment:

  1. This is a strange comment, but I really like Sam's haircut. He should keep it like that.

    The star shaped watermelon is fabulous and I plan on doing that to the next watermelon I cut :)
