
My First Sunbeam

The night before the big day, as I was tucking him in bed, I tried to get him excited for Sunbeams.
Emily: Tomorrow we are going to church and you're going to Sunbeams!
Alex: Sunbeams? I'm a Sunbeam?
Emily: Yep!
Alex: Ooooh.

It is a new year and Alex is three. That means he moves from nursery to Sunbeams. I will miss having Alex and Edison in nursery together but I am excited for Alex to move onto Sunbeams. He is ready; I just wish I were more ready. He was a little nervous to go into primary with all the big kids. I had told him that he wouldn't get treats like he had in nursery. But then the teachers gave him a pencil and said that there would be snacks! He was set from then on. When I picked him up, he was so happy and was going on and on about everything that had happened. He is getting so big!

Final week in nursery!

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First week in Sunbeams!

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Edison is not adjusting as well. He freaks out that he is being left alone and Alex is going somewhere else. I think it will get better though.

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