

Edison has turned a pair of years old today. Or as he says, "Doo." Sam took the day off work and we spent the day in Minot. The first activity of the day was an indoor waterpark. This picture was taken before we even got in the water and Edison was already shivering! The shivering continued for the duration of our stay which meant we got to cuddle the birthday boy a lot. He is such an adorable and sweet little boy and I am so grateful I have had him with me for two years and I look forward to every day in the future that he is mine.

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Oh, sweet Edison. Daddy and I talked about you so much today and then we recorded your birthday video after a 16-hour day of fun. We spent most of the day admiring you and laughing at your funny personality. You survived us for two years! Congratulations!


  1. We clearly had technical difficulties. When I broke the tripod, I moved the camera which made it out of focus. So sad. No redo.

  2. I love these birthday interview videos. You guys are full of good ideas. Happy Birthday Edison!
