
Dave and Marian's Visit to Williston

Just three days after Emily Sarah flew home, Dave and Marian drove into town. They got here on May 31st just before dinner. We ate dinner, played, put the boys to bed, then stayed up talking until midnight. That was a bad idea as I was feeling a little iffy that day.

I woke up the next morning thinking that I may be getting the flu which seemed weird because is it possible to get the flu in June? I went to a garden demonstration class at the church while everyone else played at the park.

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Later that day we went to the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers. When we first got there, Sam found a coin on the road. That was the first coin he had found since I made the little fish killer give away all of his money. I think it became the happiest day of his life. Then Sam found a frog. Life: complete.

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During the drive to the confluence, I started feeling even worse. Chills, fever, headache, blech. I also had a very tender and sore breast. That was when I first started thinking that it might be mastitis.

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After we finished looking at the exhibits in the Confluence Center, I went and slept in the truck while they walked around some more.

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I went to bed that night at 8pm and didn't wake up the next morning until 9am. I sent Sam to the grocery store to get the ingredients I would need for the next day. Because after 36 months of nursing, my body decided that the day before Declan's blessing and the weekend we had guests staying at our house would be a great time to fall apart. I felt better the next morning and we had a great day at church and spent the evening with friends (more on that at a later date).

Sam and his dad went on bike rides every morning. It was still really cold though. It was also ridiculously rainy. We've decided that if there is ever a drought in Williston, we just need to have family come to town and there will be rain for days.

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Sam came home from work a little early and we went bowling. I really love bowling.

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After bowling, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings. It just barely opened in Williston and Sam was so happy.

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Sam stayed home all day the next day. They wanted to go see Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I stayed home for my Relief Society presidency meeting, which got canceled about 30 minutes after they left. That was disappointing. But they said it was beautiful. It was kind of nice to have a quiet day at home with Declan.

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As they were pulling into the garage, Edison started throwing up. He threw up several more times that day and night. I still wasn't feeling all better so that was not very awesome. I think I did more than 10 loads of laundry that day.

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Dave and Marian got Alex and Edison a special gift before heading home. They both got to be Super! The capes make them run even faster.

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I tried to take a picture of Edison being super but he was only being a super punk so then Declan got to be super.

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We are so glad Dave and Marian could come see our home in Williston. I think they were very curious to see the place they had been hearing about for a year. And the party continued with even more visitors in the next month!

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