The Williston Toddler Days' activity was really fun a few weeks ago! Each committee member was in charge of a few stations and the kids got to go around and have sensory play time.
Declan hung out in the stroller and away from the bees. There were bees everywhere this summer. They are finally going away. One good thing about the cold is that it kills all of the bugs!
I couldn't drag the boys away from the painting. I bought that huge roll of paper from the Williston Herald for $5. I have since used it to cover our table, wrap presents, and as kindling to start a fire.
I was in charge of the scent station and the ice station. I used little bags from the craft section of the store and added spices to them. The four bags with cotton balls have liquid extracts. I cut up a cereal box and stapled the bags to the pieces then wrote what is in each bag on the back of the strip.
Maggie helped me freeze water into chunks of ice for the ice station. We both added food coloring to our water and it looked cool when we first dumped them in, but then melted into a yucky brown. Next time, no food coloring!
What a cool community activity! Williston is a good place. :)