
November Dates

Edison and Sam went on a date to the ARC to swim. All three of our kids love the water and it is so fun to see the little fishies in their element.

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Alex and I were supposed to go swimming for our date as well but he took too long to finish his dinner so we didn't have time. Instead, we played hide-and-go-seek on the ARC playground. It's a pretty small playground so it was hilarious trying to hide from each other. After we were done there, he carried my coat down to the track. Such a gentleman.

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Alex always has elaborate plans for our dates. During the day before our date, he talks about going to see a movie, buying toys, ice cream, visiting friends, and playing at parks. Then when it comes down to it, he wants to go running at the ARC. He's so cool. I asked him how many times we should run around the track and he said, "Maybe three." I said, "How about I run one and then you run two more while I watch." He's faster than me.

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We finished off our date with frozen yogurt.

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