
Declan's Head

MLK Jr. Day was a little bit horrible around here. Sam had to go to work but Alex did not have school. We were invited to a little picnic by some people in the ward. Before we could even get dressed in the morning, the boys managed to lock us out of their bedroom. We did not have the key to the door. I called the homeowner but he did not have a key to the knobs either. They had been replaced by the previous tenants. He was not able to come over until after work that day so I tried to get it open on my own and then sat down and cried. Sam came home for lunch and was able to get the door opened with a credit card. We quickly got the boys dressed and then went to the park. We were told to bring our own lunch but when we arrived we discovered that lunch was provided. So we were late and we were ghetto. We sat on our blanket and ate our own lunch. It was not how I planned to make friends but it ended up okay, I suppose.

The homeowner arrived just before bedtime. It was our first time meeting him. The boys went totally berserk and were running all over the place. As soon as the homeowner left, I told the boys to get their pajamas on. They ran around like madmen and in a fight over pajamas, Edison dragged Declan into the corned of a wall. Sam was staying late at work and it was definitely not an ideal time for Declan to explode his head.

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I mourned, "His beautiful face!" I sent Alex to help Edison get his diaper and pajamas on while I gave Declan a bath. I hoped it was not really as bad as it looked. It was not bleeding very much after the bath but it was pretty chatty (open, close, open, close) so I looked up an urgent care and off we went – all four of us.

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They glued it shut and he seemed back to his usual self.

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The next day, he bumped it and it split open a little. I hope he does not have a scar. His face is so perfect and I do not want it to be all messed up.

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