
Brazos Bend

I met Danika when we lived in Rosenberg a few years ago. We had already reunited once right after I got back and then she invited us to go to Brazos Bend State Park with them. Alex was especially excited because he remembered the alligators from other times we have been there. The weather was perfect that day and the alligators were out warming themselves in the sun. We have never seen so many in one trip! I am glad they were not feeling feisty. Danika told me about a mutual friend's dog that was eaten by an alligator a few months ago. The dog jumped in the water and the mom saw the alligator coming over. She let go of the leash, picked up her kid, and walked away. That is pretty terrifying!

We ate lunch and then went on a long walk around one of the lakes to scope out some more alligators.

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