
Photo Dump

I have a ton of pictures that never got their own post, so now they get into the "Miscellaneous Catch-Up" post. Some of these are from long ago in Texas and some are from North Dakota. So this will be pretty random.

Alex: When's Daddy coming home from softball?
Emily: He's at work. He'll be home for dinner.
Alex: Oh. Let's start making dinner so Daddy will come home.

The next day...
Alex: Where's Daddy?
Emily: He's at work.
Alex: AGAIN?! Are you kidding me?!


Edison waves, blows on hot food, uses the golf bag toy as a vacuum just like Alex, climbs on anything and everything, throws away his own diapers, takes two naps a day (9am-10:30am and 1pm-3pm), says "Cheese!" for pictures, throws his arms in the air and says, "Ta da!" He may be left-handed, but he still seems to switch whenever it's convenient.


Sam has lost 71 pounds.


Alex likes to workout like Daddy. He's got good form.



They love popcorn as much as I do.


My visiting teachers brought us a dozen doughnuts one day. The boys both picked the ones with sprinkles and then ate the sprinkles only.


Nursing at baseball games is not fun.


They love having books read to them. It is endless.


Edison helped Sam mow the lawn from the backpack.


Edison is a wild one.




My cute husband is always falling asleep while reading. Cornell had a picture of him asleep on their website.


Alex is obsessed with cars. Seeing Nascar blew his mind.


Boy at playground: I'm Carson!
Alex: Oooh! I'm Alex. I like race cars.



Alex loves pointing out certain cars, especially Mustangs because of the horseys.


We likey our desserts.


Alex still has an apple (or two) a day.



Alex likes it when I pretend to steal his nose.
Alex: Get my nose!
Emily: (stole it)
Alex: I think that's just your finger.


Edison can say all sorts of words. Momma, Dadda, Mater, strawberry, Nuh-Nuh, Alex, ball, more, doggie, candy. The important words. All in his own baby talk but I know when he is saying each word. I feel like he says new words all the time but I am not being very good at recording them.


One time Alex picked his nose and wiped it on the table. I told him not to do that and he looked at me very confused and said, "On the carpet?"


Alex is a brilliant child. I told him once which months all of our birthdays were in and he now tells us all the time whose birthday is in which month. When we kneel down for prayers or sit down next to each other, Alex puts his arm around my back or neck.


At my very last mutual in Texas, we chalked our hair. This was my first time doing any sort of coloring to my hair. I washed it out once I got home because it kept getting on my clothes but it was fun!


Sam was still out golfing one night when the boys went to bed. This is what I heard the next morning:
"Daddy! I'm all done sleeping! Why are you not coming in here?! Oh. You're still golfing."



Alex likes to be scary by waving his arms around over his head and going "Oooooh!"


We had mushrooms sprouting in our yard overnight and they were giant. The boys would pull them out and carry them to the garbage.



I remember this pool being a lot bigger last summer.


Edison was happily sitting in the car and then Alex climbed in with him. After squishing in, Alex said, "I'm stuck!" Ya think?


They both really wanted goldfish so they stuck their hands in at the same time.



Something we won't miss is our horrible neighbors. That is totally our driveway that Suburban is blocking. After several days of it, I left them a note.


Alex's birthday meant he now has three minute timeouts. That has been unfortunate. Luckily he only has a few a day now!




Alex has a hard time holding up three fingers. He is trying to figure it out.



These boys are masters at emptying the toys onto the floor. They do it so quickly and casually. It is impressive.


Alex is getting really crafty. Whose kid is this?!


The boys hate my cooking. On this night, Alex was crying and then threw up because he didn't want to eat.


Monkey boy. Alex calls cream cheese on bagels "frosting." He prefers to eat it first.


I have two very handsome boys.


Edison likes to pretend he is a ghost. Both boys like to attack their daddy.


They really are best friends.



Jershelly said...

Alex and Edison are so cute! And they are growing up so fast.

Paxton said...

I am reading this really early in the morning and everyone is asleep but me, but I am laughing so hard into a pillow so I won't wake them. Seriously, love your kids, miss your guts! Someday perhaps Sam's job and Jordan's job will make us neighbors again! And not neighbors like in Texas where we had to drive to the middle of nowhere-scarysville and eat lunch amid a swarm of flies, but neighbors like in Ohio where I can just walk over and bug you... ALL THE TIME! ;-) Just cuz I like you so much!

Paxton said...

I love that Edison is a wild one, those pictures, so cute!
And them hating your cooking... oh my gosh, I thought I was going to wake up the kids I was snorting so bad, love that picture!

Paxton said...

"Three minute time outs, that has been unfortunate"
hehehe, you crack me up!

Paxton said...

The picture of them both sticking their hands in the goldfish bucket is hysterical because my kids do that ALL THE TIME and it drives me nuts! But somehow seeing your kids do it, just makes me laugh :-)

Paxton said...

I agree nursing at baseball games is no fun! I always feel like EVERYONE in the stadium knows what I'm up to :-P

Popcorn IS THE BOMB! My all time favorite snack food, especially when it is made from an air popper!

Paxton said...

Too many comments? Sorry :-)

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