
Ithaca Farmers' Market

This was our first time to the Ithaca Farmers' Market and it was very fun! I think I enjoyed the people more than the products though. There were some interesting Ithacans there. We went with our good friends (the Sheranians), however, the only picture I have of them is where they are in the background!

That afternoon, we went to see Babies and loved it! I highly recommend it (although I feel the American baby was represented very strangely and I wonder if the babies from the other countries were not the norm as well).


  1. Our only visit to the Ithaca Farmer's Market was last Halloween, so I was unable to determine whether or not people actually dress and act that way :)

  2. I want a Farmers' Market!

    I think you're right. That video probably is what it's like to be high...I just thought it was kind of weird...interesting...maybe a bit cool. :)

    And I did notice your facial expressions, er *cough* the lack thereof. But I thought it was cute. And you seemed very focused. ;)

  3. I SO want to see Babies! It looks so cute! I could tell the "american" baby wasn't going to be a typical american by the previews. Very... tree huggerish... hope I don't offend! :-)
    Glad you are having fun and going out and doing things! way cool!

  4. That looks like so much fun! I need to plan more adventures. I love how you arranged the pages too.

  5. Hey Emily! Look at your blog! You've come so far since the early Colorado days...it's amazing! Yeah, I'm short, thanks for reminding me. :) Hey, I was thinking about you today cuz I want to plan another talent show this year for our office, ours was the best, huh!

  6. SUCH great pictures! It makes me want to eat your foods.

  7. so sweet! I love farmers markets! that food looks delicious! :)

  8. I don't blame Alex. I don't like socks either. Maybe it's genetic. :-)
