
Calimesa and Mesa

On our way back to Mesa, we stopped in Calimesa to visit Whitni. I had never been to her house in California and I was so excited to see her. We got to her house and she had made lunch for us. The boys loved it and smeared it all over her tablecloth to show their appreciation. Buck shared his big boy toys with my little boys. Edison cozied up on the dog bed.


Edison and Alex loved this Mater toy so much that they broke it. Luckily my mom showed up a little later and sewed it back together. Sorry, Whitni!


Whitni and I do not see each other enough. Sometimes I wish we hadn't squandered our weekends when we were six-year-olds and on the swim team together. Whitni is a once-in-a-lifetime type of friend.


Our stay in Mesa consisted of a lot of hanging out at home. I don't think I left the house the whole time. The boys played in the backyard with my brothers, I cleaned out our ridiculously filthy car, we ate lots of apples, my dad taught a great FHE lesson, and the boys got haircuts. That's about it.


Since our wedding, I have been pregnant or just barely post-partum on all of our visits to Mesa. This time, I was neither. I weighed less than I did on my wedding day. So I decided to try on my wedding dress. I could not get it to zip up. My ribcage is bigger and because I am lactating, my bust is actually existent. So yeah, it wasn't zipped. Awesome.


My parents' apple tree was breaking because so many apples were on it. The boys were eating multiple apples a day and it was perfect because they were just their size. Mom made delicious apple cobbler for dessert.



The boys got haircuts. They were tired while we were trying to do it. Alex's haircut ended up pretty crazy because he wouldn't stay still.


While I was bathing the boys and getting them in bed, my dad was busy rotating my tires. Such a good Daddy! Thank you!


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