
Weird Animals

Alex loved Vacation Bible School last year so I was keeping track of New Hope's calendar so I would know when to register him again. When I saw VBS show up on the calendar, I was so excited! I realized Edison was also old enough to attend! However, Alex was potty trained when he went as a three-year-old and Edison was still sporting a diaper. I warned Edison that if he pooped in his diaper then they would call to me to come get him and he wouldn't get to go to VBS anymore. Surprisingly, Edison kept his diaper clean and dry the whole time! Weird Animals was the theme this year and it was Sunday-Thursday 6-8:45pm. Everyone at New Hope was so welcoming and kind. Alex and Edison got their lanyards and found a seat on the floor to watch the fun begin. It was so fun to hear about the things they did when I picked them up at the end of the night.

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Each day, they had a phrase that was the theme for the day. On the first day it was, "Even when you feel left out, Jesus loves you!" They learned about the lepers. Day two was, "Even when we're different, Jesus loves us." Day three's phrase was, "Even when you don't understand, Jesus loves you!" They learned about the Samaritan woman. Day four's was, "Even when you do wrong, Jesus loves you!" Their teachers washed their feetsies just like Jesus washed his disciples' feet. The last day they learned, "Even when we're afraid, Jesus loves us." Every phrase had a corresponding weird animal.

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I went early to pick them up each night so I could see the end of the festivities. Alex never noticed me sitting a few rows behind them but Edison noticed every single time. Funny kids. One day they had a huge cross covered with Christmas lights and then each age group came up and covered the cross with black garbage bags. That was a weird animal...

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On the last night, Edison was sick and so I kept him home. He was so sad and everyone missed him and asked about him.

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I know this church they went to for VBS does not teach the same doctrine as our church but I loved the music and testimonies that were shared. I am so happy Alex and Edison got to learn about Jesus and that it could be fun for them!

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