
Number Three



Whitni Watkins said...

Congratulations. :-)

Carolyn said...

Aww congrats!!

Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

Can I tell you that I've been waiting to hear this announcement from you for FOREVER?! I kept wondering, "Hmmm, I wonder when Emily is going to get pregnant again? Hmmmm..." CONGRATULATIONS!!
I'm SO excited for you!! ANOTHER BOY!! YAY! You waited a while to announce this too! HOLY MOLY! You've got some catching up to do with the info...good thing we're getting together in a few weeks ;)

Holly Decker said...

like Rachael, i totally was waiting for this news. CONGRATS! three boys means that God loves you more than me. i LOVE boys. love love love them.

Jershelly said...

I was waiting to hear some news as well. Haha. You are so good at secrets!

Jershelly said...

I was waiting to hear some news as well. Haha. You are so good at secrets!

Jershelly said...

I was waiting to hear some news as well. Haha. You are so good at secrets!

Julie Manning said...

You are so creative with how you announce these sorts of things. Congratulations. :)
You're due close to Josie's birthday too...

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